Ok I don’t actually date my prospects, I’m 8yrs happily married and plan to keep it that way. But don’t you think finding your next business connection is a lot like finding a love connection?
You Can’t Rush things
If you asked someone to marry you on the first date, they’d (hopefully) say no because they don’t know you and you don’t know them. They need to know they like you too before proceeding. The ‘spark’ in business is found when your goals and values align. If your goals and values don’t line up its time to walk away…
Everyone wants to feel special
If you’ve ever received a message from a stranger on LinkedIn/Tinder that is obviously copy and pasted and not even close to personalised, you’ll know what I mean…it’s off-putting. If someone has taken the time to reach out to me or I’m reaching out to them, its polite to spend a bit of time understanding them and what they are about. I’ll find what I can from their web page and social media before agreeing to a meeting.
No one likes to be rejected, but sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind
Ok so I’ve got to know what I can from their website and socials, we’ve had the first Zoom by ring light but I’m realising their expectations don’t match my offering or our values are a little off. It’s time to do the right thing and be honest. If I know we’re on different pages or I’m going to struggle to get excited about their cause, they won’t get the best of me and that’s not fair to either of us.
You have to make the effort to avoid the break-up
Just like in dating, a business relationship needs to be nurtured. I only work with businesses and authors I can get excited about, where I know I can add value, which makes this bit real easy for me. I love helping people find better ways of working and hearing their successes. You should always work hard to build relationships, nurture them, and constantly innovate for your clients.
There are plenty more fish in the sea
I believe in abundance, and in fate, so if we can’t make music…so be it. If the client doesn’t gel with my personality or I don’t feel I can get behind their goals, then it’s better to be upfront and honest as soon as possible. I would rather say no to the business than give someone an inferior service.
We’re all grownups and we deserve more than to be ghosted.